Enables recording of loop filter statistics information. Each update of
the local clock outputs a line of the following form to the file generation
set named loopstats:
50935 75440.031 0.000006019 13.778190 0.000351733 0.013380 6
The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time (seconds
and fraction past UTC midnight). The next five fields show time offset
(seconds), frequency offset (parts per million - PPM), RMS jitter (seconds),
Allan deviation (PPM) and clock discipline time constant.
Enables recording of peer statistics information. This includes statistics
records of all peers of a NTP server and of special signals, where present
and configured. Each valid update appends a line of the following form
to the current element of a file generation set named peerstats:
48773 10847.650 9714 -0.001605 0.00000 0.00142
The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time (seconds
and fraction past UTC midnight). The next two fields show the peer address
in dotted-quad notation and status, respectively. The status field is encoded
in hex in the format described in Appendix A of the NTP specification RFC
1305. The final three fields show the offset, delay and RMS jitter, all
in seconds.
Enables recording of clock driver statistics information. Each update received
from a clock driver appends a line of the following form to the file generation
set named clockstats:
49213 525.624 93 226 00:08:29.606 D
The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time (seconds
and fraction past UTC midnight). The next field shows the clock address
in dotted-quad notation, The final field shows the last timecode received
from the clock in decoded ASCII format, where meaningful. In some clock
drivers a good deal of additional information can be gathered and displayed
as well. See information specific to each clock for further details.
Enables recording of raw-timestamp statistics information. This includes
statistics records of all peers of a NTP server and of special signals,
where present and configured. Each NTP message received from a peer or
clock driver appends a line of the following form to the file generation
set named rawstats:
50928 2132.543 3102453281.584327000 3102453281.58622800031
02453332.540806000 3102453332.541458000
The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time (seconds
and fraction past UTC midnight). The next field shows the peer or clock
address in dotted-quad notation, The final four fields show the originate,
receive, transmit and final NTP timestamps in order. The timestamp values
are as received and before processing by the various data smoothing and
mitigation algorithms.