Summer School

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Jonathan started a morning nursery school program this week at the La Jolla United Methodist Church. Evie works there as part of her Girl Scout Cadet's community service project. Risa and Beth have started a popular San Diego summer school "enrichment" program called GATEWAYS. Risa is taking music, magic and dinosaurs. Beth is taking (black-and-white) photography and archeology...among other things, they seem to be making a paper-mache mummy in class. Jonathan especially likes his new lunch box...and his teachers.

The last five photos are of the older girls at home, taken by the girls, in their rooms and in the back yard. The last shot of Roseann is a great "art photo"...I don't know if it was an accident or not.

B.D. Lightner, Wed Jul 1 12:15:54 PDT 1998
