Goldie's Home Page Fan Mail

People Fan Mail

From frazzle@techline_dot_com Sat Jul 12 01:03:02 1997
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 00:58:12 -0700
From: Mark Paulsen [frazzle@techline_dot_com]
To: [email protected]
Subject: goldie..the fish
had to say Hi..
and let you know about my Goldie the   <--- cute fish stories!
have fun... enjoyed your site..

Fish Fan Mail

From CAMPBELL6@bigpond_dot_com Thu Jun 11 02:51:28 1998
From: "C A Campbell" [CAMPBELL6@bigpond_dot_com]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hi from Gorbachov
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 17:40:17 +0800

Hi Goldie
My name's Gorbachov, I am six years old.  I was named following the
usual fish naming ceremony - 'what should we call this fish?'

I used to have a big black spot on my head and hence the name Gorbachov.
But, one day my mum put some 'stuff' in the water to fix up another fish
who was not well and guess what........... I started growing and lost my
black spot.

I went from 2 inches in length to now 8 inches in length and as big
around the belly.

It's nice knowing there is another fish out there like me - I live in
Perth, Australia where are you?

hope to hear from you soon.
bubbles and bubbles

Goldie's reply to Gorbachov
Send mail to Goldie at [email protected].

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